Our Mission:
“Better and cheaper heating”
Eco Heating Center is responding to the enormous challenges of energy shortage and price, stability of supply, environmental and climate policy, and safety. In the 21st century an unprecedented conversion (“Die Energie Wende”) must be realized from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Nuclear and coal power plants will be phased out, and replaced by large energy parks based on wind, sun and biomass. Also on a small scale, close to the user, there will be local systems with new technologies for energy generation and storage.
Read more... EHC designs, installs and maintains such local systems for economical and ecological heating and electricity generation (“Eco Heat & Power”). We believe that an ecological energy supply must always be cheaper for the user than one based on fossil fuels, without compromising comfort. Thanks to recent technical innovations this is perfectly possible. EHC is a system integrator with extensive knowledge about eco energy, combining several technologies to meet the demands of the end user. In short: “better and cheaper heating” EHC is broadly oriented, both in terms of technology choice as equipment suppliers. We simply do what is best for our clients. EHC focuses on renewable energy but is not limited to this. We also do gas installations. Most future energy systems will be hybrid, being a mix of fossil and renewable energy to offer an economically viable solution. As renewable technologies get better and cheaper, the share of fossil energy will decrease and -overtime- disappear. You can find more information about this philosophy via the term “Trias Energetica”. Read less
Meet the Team

Wim De Peuter CEO Eco Heating center

Fre De Peuter Eco Heating center

Mel De Peuter Eco Heating center

Consulting, system design
Good preparation of the decision makers is crucial. Before any project implementation it is essential that the best fitting system concept is designed and discussed with the client. Therefore a good consultancy from an experienced, hands-on adviser is priceless. We look into the specific details of your situation, advise you on possibilities and limits, and work out interesting options respecting the technical and financial limits.

Installation, project management
We can do the whole installation, or part of it together with local contractors. This means construction works, installation of heating equipment and energy convertors, and system control. In both cases we offer project management services to bring the project implementation to a good end.

Operation and Maintenance
Modern heating and energy installations tend to become more complex, as optimal system are hybrid by nature, combining several novel technologies into one coherent smoothly working system. Many clients prefer to delegate the task of daily operations and maintenance to an expert company such as Eco Heating Center to look after their installation to secure their comfort and heating costs.

Financing & full Energy Service Contracts
As a prolongation of operation and maintenance, Eco Heating Center offers end-to-end service contracts whereby the installation is monitored remotely and even operated via Internet: the unmanned boiler house. One step further is that EHC takes care of the financing of the project so that the end User simply buys heat & energy, without having to invest itself.
"Taylor made system solutions"

"Smart sytem integration of novel technologies"
Private houses
Appartment houses
Country Houses & Large villas
Castles and historical buildings
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Spa & Wellness
Spa Hotels & Wellness Centers
Swimming pools
Sport centers
Wellness centers and Spa hotels are increasing in popularity. However, the sector is under pressure from business competition, the general public and governments to evolve towards cheaper and greener heating systems: Economic and ecological heating with zero-CO2 emission.
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Commercial/ Industrial
Shopping centers, pubs & restaurants, hotels
Manufacturing halls, warehouses
Industrial process heat (e.g drying)
Offices, showrooms
Farms & stables
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Public Buildings
Administrative centers
Defense facilities
Hospitals, elderly homes
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Real Cases - Project References

RES staat voor “Renewable Energy Systems” en RESCert is een certificaat van bekwaamheid van de installateur, als garantie voor de klant/gebruiker. RESCert is een europese samenwerking waar de 3 Belgische gewesten (Vlaams, Waals, Brussel) aan deelnemen. Het is de bedoeling van de kwaliteit van de installatie van hernieuwbare energie systemen te kunnen garanderen naar de gebruiker toe.
Vanaf 1/7/2017 worden bepaalde RESCert certificaten verplicht, zoniet kan de gebruiker niet genieten van steunmaatregelen. Ook kan het opgelegd worden door de klant, bv. overheden. SpaceConnect NV (BE 0466 564 060) is officieel erkend als opleidings- en examencentrum voor RESCert. Deze diensten worden aangeboden in samenwerking met Eco Heating Center NV in 1910 Kampenhout, Vekestraat 44/1 (BE0845 961 942).
Contact persoon voor inlichtingen:
SpaceConnect – Wim De Peuter
Gsm: +32 478 304040
Email: opleidingen@spaceconnect.com
BTW: BE 0466 564 060
Fortis IBAN: BE51230039328062
De opleidingen en examens hebben plaats in de bedrijfslokalen van:
Eco Heating Center NV
Vekestraat 44/1
1910 Kampenhout
Prijzen en info:
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Programma 2019 – Klik hier
tel. +32 16 520818